Rosvold Farms
Rosewall Banjo
Born: May 10, 2007
  Here's another fine cross from Wonder and Cosmos.  I love the consistensy from this pair of ponies.  The foals are wonderfully put together and have fabulous dispostions.  The only difference with this colt is that he took after him mom's coat pattern and is more colorfully marked than his older siblings.  Who ever takes this colt home will have a great all around pony!

Here's Banjo at just a couple days old.  This picture show his "wings" all three of our pinto patterned foals this year have "wings" in thier patterns!


Banjo is a very handsome weanling as shown in these photos taken in September 2007.  You can also see his bright blue eye well in these photos.  We took Banjo to a couple shows this summer and the judges placed him first in his foal classes and remarked on how nice a foal he is!

Banjo has been sold and now lives with his big brother Tolsom!