Rosvold Farms


Click foal picture for more info and pictures.



Palomino colt born April 30, 2017!

            -Masters Golden Supreme Captain, ASPC 132206A
                         -Masters Captain's Little Dancer, ASPC 139703A  
                                        -Captain's Supreme Delight, ASPC 137490A  
          -Royal Bold Gold, ASPC 146468A
                                      -Masters Captain's Little Dancer, ASPC 139703A
                        -Royal Flame's Glow, ASPC 142450A  
                                        -Royal Flame Suspense, ASPC 134334A  
Rosewall's Golden Cashmere, ASPC pending








Black filly born June 4, 2017!

                     -J-J's Painted Cody's Lee-Land, ASPC
         -Rockin Painted Kino, NSPR & PtHA
                    -SK Kianna, IAHA

Rosewall Rockin Flying Black Bird, PtHA breeding stock pending and eligible for the NSPPR

                                        -Van-Lo's Little Chief Rainbow, ASPC 140622A
                        -Van-Lo's Samples BNW, ASPC 144549A
                                        -Little Sheba, ASPC 137860A
        -Flying A Samples Wink at Me, ASPC 148037A, PtHA 112363Y
                                       -Wink's Showdeo Tradition, ASPC 120562A
                        -J-J's Powder Face, ASPC 138675A
                                     -J-J's Bando-Rita, ASPC 136099A