Rosvold Farms
Rosewall Sequoia
Born: May 17, 1999
  Sequoia is a mare that we raised.  She is sired by a small APHA stallion, Red Robins Vanzier and Rosewall Wild Rose.  Sequoia stands 12.2 hands is truly a "Paint Pony"  She is a proportionally correct stock type pony that looks to be a miniature Paint Horse.  Sequoia is registered with the PtHA and the American Paint Pony Registry.

Motley Fair 2000-

Pillager Fair 2000-

Motley Fair 2001-

Summer 2005

We are sad to report that we lost Sequoia in tragic accident fall of 2005.
~Sequoia, you are deeply missed, but the memories you left us with are as beautiful as you~